Webinars recordings
Join us for an insightful webinar on the importance of regular exercise and good nutrition in childhood and how these critical factors shape lifelong wellbeing!
The future of Farming
Watch our latest Adapt+Thrive webinar with Dr Lucy Burkitt (PhD, BAgrSc) Senior Research Officer, School of Agriculture and Environment at Massey University as we explore the future of farming and how Massey research is informing how we might best manage the environment for a sustainable future.
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Iron deficiency: impact on your wellbeing, treatment and diagnosis
Watch our latest Adapt+Thrive webinar with Dr Claire Badenhorst who shares her knowledge and insights into how an iron deficiency can impact your overall physical health and wellbeing.
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Sleeping during lockdown: how the COVID-19 pandemic provides lessons in sleep health
Watch our latest Adapt+Thrive webinar with Dr Rosie Gibson (Senior Lecturer at the Massey Sleep/Wake Research Centre) who talks about how the COVID-19 pandemic has affected our sleep and the role sleep plays in our overall physical health and wellbeing.
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Adapt+Thrive: The future of travel and Aviation
Panelists from Ashok Poduval, CEO of the Massey University School of Aviation, and alumni Nick Ashley (Christchurch Airport) and Anand Krishna (AirAsia) discuss the future of international travel and aviation.
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Using Linkedin to accelerate your career.
Jeremy from the Linkedin Guys shares some tips with Massey Alumni on how to effectively use Linkedin with your job search.
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Adapt + Thrive: Pandemic Parenting
In this episode of Adapt+Thrive, we are joined by Dr Kirsty Ross, Senior Lecturer in Clinical Psychology at Massey’s School of Psychology to discuss parenting in these challenging times.
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Additional resources
Adapt+Thrive: You and Your Money - The Basics
Dr Pushpa Wood, the Director of the Westpac Massey Financial Education and Research (Fin-Ed) Centre
Learn more about managing your personal finances and some easy actions you can take immediately to begin to improve your financial situation and outlook.
- How our relationships with money are formed
- Knowing your numbers and how to budget
- The pitfalls of credit cards and borrowing
- How to set financial goals
- And of course, how to reward yourself for good financial behaviour!
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Patricia Bossons - Neuroscience and Coaching – A User’s Manual for the Brain

About the Webinar
Coaching is now widely recognised as a powerful way of increasing your management and leadership effectiveness, and also as a core management skill in itself. Having a coach is now seen as something successful managers and leaders do in order to be on top of their game, and being able to coach others is also seen as part of the manager’s essential tool kit. There are many different styles, tools and techniques of coaching, which have been achieving excellent results for many years. With the development of neuroscience and our increasing understanding of how the brain works, we can now gain insight into why the tools and techniques of coaching work, and how to maximise the benefits from it.
Outcomes from the session include the following understandings, which will make your coaching more effective:
- how to change a behaviour, and develop a new one
- how to target coaching to work with the brain, not against it
- what is needed for creativity to take place
- why some managers don’t seem to be ‘good with people’, and how coaching can help
About Patricia Bossons
Patricia is a Business Psychologist specializing in Executive Education and Personal Development. Before joining Massey in 2016, she was the Founder and Director of the Henley Centre for Coaching and Behavioural Change at Henley Business School, University of Reading, in the UK.
She has worked at the interface of academia and business for most of her career, designing and delivering both qualification and non-qualification Executive Education programmes for organisations and individuals. Patricia has a strong interest in working across cultures, and has worked in many different countries around the world. She has worked as an Executive Coach for many years, and presents at conferences internationally.
Her publications include numerous practitioner articles and papers, in addition to:
- ‘Mentoring, A Henley Guide to Best Practice’, Palgrave MacMillan, 2004
- ‘Coaching Essentials’, Bloomsbury,2009, 2nd Ed. 2012
- ‘The Neuroscience of Leadership Coaching’, Bloomsbury, 2015
- Chapter in ‘Leadership and Personal Development, a Toolbox for the 21st Century Professional’ (Eds Kruckeberg, Amann & Green), IAP, 2011 “ How to Build a Network that Works”
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Malcolm Fraser - Digital Transformation and Collaborative Innovation:
The Role of Governance when Hierarchies become Networks
About the Webinar
Collaborative Innovation occurs when people from different organisations produce something together through joint effort, shared resourcing, and decision making, and there is shared ownership of the final product or service.
These collaborations are increasing supported by the Digital Technologies of the 4th Industrial Revolution and offer new opportunities for re-organizing the interactions between individuals, teams, organisations, industries, governments and economies.
This webinar looks at how Digital Technologies have accelerated the development of collaborative innovation networks and the changing role of governance in these networks over time to cope with the shifts in the organisational, economic, political and social, and environments.
About Malcolm Fraser
I truly believe in the potential for science and technologies to contribute to the well-being of humanity and, as a persistent optimist, am the happiest when helping create sustainable social and economic development initiatives with local communities so everyone can access the benefits technologies provide and the opportunities they create.
I work as a Collaborative Entrepreneur to act as the catalyst for forming multi-party collaborations across organizational boundaries to 'join-up' organizations, identify solutions to problems and support sustainable social and economic growth for all.
This work is based on my international development experiences gained from operating in over 30 countries where I have worked with technologists, local communities and scientists to build collaborative programs and their associated governance models in partnership with local/regional governments, the World Bank, Asia Development Bank and global networks of innovation centers.
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Dan Walker - Māori Perspectives on Leadership
About the Webinar
He Kākano au i ruia mai a Rangiātea – I am a seed cast forth from Rangiātea. Turi Arikinui
“This whakataukī (proverb) handed down from Turi tells me I am connected in a never-ending awa (river) that runs from my spiritual home of Rangiātea into eternity. This awa is timeless – I am a link within it that strengthens and upholds my whakapapa (ancestry). With a connection to my past I am focused on the future. My ancestors are with me… anything can be achieved.” Ngāti Ruanui kaumatua
Māori leadership models are intrinsically intertwined with our spirituality and what is known as a Māori world view. These are predicated in values-based wisdom handed down from our ancestors through such oral methods as korero tara (stories), whakataukī (proverbs), waiata (songs) and karakia (prayers) to name a few. Modern society demands that these leadership paradigms be utilised in new and interesting ways to ensure Māori are successful – the Māori economy is one such example and kiwi success story (our story) that we can all be proud of. However outside of the economic focus there are other leadership examples such as co-management solutions with government, iwi innovation and organisations living the quadruple bottom-line stakeholder management philosophy.
This webinar introduces you to some of the perspectives on Māori business and leadership from an iwi and academic perspective.
About Dan Walker
Ngāti Ruanui, Ngā Ruahine Rangi, Ngāti Kahungunu ki Wairoa, Ngāti Maniapoto, Tūhourangai,
With whanau connections from Hawera Taranaki, Dan is heavily involved in his iwi and kaupapa Maori organisations. He has a passion for Māori success in business and the growth of leadership capacity within iwi, hapū and whānau. He is deputy chair of New Zealand Māori Tourism (NZMT), Deputy Chair of Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Ruanui, and Chair of Whānau Mārama Parenting. He also sits in various advisory roles with community and tertiary organisations.
Dan holds an MBA from the University of Auckland, a Masters in Advanced Leadership Practice from Massey University, and a Diploma in Management and Te Reo Māori. His latest thesis – Tikanga Māori ki te Ao Matihiko – studied the effects of Māori values as a framework for digital leadership.
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Prof Tim Kloppenborg - The Power of Strengths-based Leadership
About the webinar
The best way to grow people is to focus on their strengths. Each of us has our own gifts, talents or strengths, and we often feel the most engaged, fulfilled and productive when we are able to apply those abilities to our work. Strengths Based Leadership is based on Gallup’s Leadership Research which indicates that leaders who focus on developing their own natural talents and abilities and the natural talents of others, are able to develop a more positive, productive workforce. This webinar introduces you to ideas and tools that you can apply to create an environment in which people are inspired to do their best every day.
About Prof Tim Kloppenborg
Prof Tim Kloppenborg from Xavier University has over 100 publications to his name including 12 very successful academic books on various aspects of Project Management. Tim has worked closely with the authors of over 30 books including Stakeholder-led Project Management: Changing the Way We Manage Projects and Developing Strengths-Based Project Teams. Tim has worked in manufacturing, construction, and research, as well as being a retired USAF Reserve officer. He has lead thousands of people in consulting, training, and university classes on six continents, many of these assignments dealing with project management and/or strengths-based leadership.
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Margaret Considine - Advanced Negotiation
Margaret talks about Advanced Negotiation; In the changing challenging VUCA world in which we now live. The skills of effective negotiation are essential to survive in both life and lead in the economic, political and commercial worlds. She delivers a workshop on Advance Communication and Influence Presence on Massey University’s Masters of Advanced Leadership Practice.
- Understand the four step process of negotiation
- Harness the power of preparation: including two invaluable trademark tools that visually plot each negotiation..
- Close appropriately – get the deal and enhance the relationship.
Margaret Considine is the CEO of the EQuita Group which was established in 2001. Margaret is a graduate on NUIM, U.C.D and Trinity College Dublin, internationally educated at Harvard, North-western University and Stanford, is an author and keynote speaker. Margaret holds faculty posts at the Irish Management Institute, University College Cork, National University of Ireland Maynooth, Royal College of Physicians and Massey University Auckland.
Since 2001 EQuita has been a strategic advisor to many companies nationally and internationally, helping clients companies become Fit for Future. EQuita's clients list includes Enterprise Ireland, IDA, Kuehne & Nagel, Department of Expenditure & Public Reform, National Treasury Management Agency, PM Group, KBC Bank, South Dublin County Council, CRC, McKesson International, Globeforce, Novartis, ICON, European Investment Bank, Central Bank of Ireland, Allied Irish Bank, Irish Live Insurance, to name but a few.
Margaret sits on multiple boards and is currently President of South Dublin Chamber of Commerce. She delivers a workshop on Advance Communication and Influence Presence on Massey University’s Masters of Advanced Leadership Practice.
Slides are available to download here
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Andrew Kakabadse -The Engagement Edge
Conflict, Paralysis or Engagement: The Critical Nature of Boardroom Dynamics
Andrew Kakabadse is one of the world's recognised leading experts on top teams, boardroom effectiveness and governanace practice. He is a member of the Thinkers50 Hall of Fame 2015, a list of distinguished thinkers throughout the world whose contributions to management thinking have made it what it is today.
- Boards attend to Compliance but ignore Stewardship
- More rather than less conflict is needed on Boards
- Greater Diversity of Perspective is needed on Boards
Slides are available to download here
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Petra Costigan-Oorthuijs - The Authentic Edge
With degrees in physical health and performance, combined with emotional intelligence (EQ) and business management, Petra coaches, trains and lectures individuals, teams and organisations on why and how they engage with their audiences, to accelerate truly embodied purpose. She delivers a workshop on authenticity and presence on Massey University’s Masters of Advanced Leadership Practice.
- Communicate with impact and confidence - in all areas of your life
- Increase your own leadership authenticity through voice
- Understand how others hear and measure your presence
- Make emotionally connecting use of voice, body, and words
- Command attention and influence the impact of your message
- Integrate body, voice, and speech to unleash the power of “total” communication
Slides are available to download here
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Mike Fiszer - Gaining the Edge
Mike is a business psychologist & Director of the Master of Advanced Leadership PracticePersuasion and Influence
In this webinar, Mike would like to take a strengths-based approach to look at some of the following :
- Gain insight into the most common issues that employees get stuck with in a job
- Get an understanding of some of the ways our brain works, and why we can’t always find the perfect job just by using our intellect
- Learn how to work with your emotions instead of against them
- Get your values contributing to your work and a well-lived life
- Know how to find a job you love.
Slides are available to download here
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Powe - Gaining an Innovation Edge:
Putting an innovation system into your organisation or community - one that sticks!
About the webinar
We will discuss a remarkable equation which is, Creativity + Innovation = Entrepreneurship. This equation represents a simple set of relationships, but they often go wrong. Why is it that so many organisations and communities try innovation and fail? Perhaps they are trying creativity, design thinking, agile or whatever in a sequence that is doomed to fail. Often we confuse the terms, assume skills, think being busy means fast? These behaviours and approaches continue to turn the simple into complex.
About Marcus Powe
Marcus founded EIC Growth Pty Ltd to assist CEO’s and leaders implement, embed and measure creativity and innovation systems that result in enterprising behaviours. He specialises in the growth of for profit and not for profit organisations that operate in the turbulence of national and international market places.
Marcus also works extensively with Aboriginal, Torres Strait, Maori and Hawaiian communities to assist them achieve economic self-determination through the skills of innovation and entrepreneurship. He founded of EIC Growth LLC (USA) to deliver training and advice for indigenous Hawaiians. He has co-authored four handbooks, which are used by many of the 1500 organisations he has worked with as a pragmatic reference for their sustained growth.
He has managed, led and owned organisations in the fields of textiles, scientific instrumentation, education, information technology, consumer software development and tourism. As an advisor and facilitator of change to boards and senior decision makers across tertiary and secondary education, pharmaceutical, medical devices, medical communications, city and state governments, fast moving consumer goods, beverage and entertainment industries, he has achieved sustained success for over 35 years.
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Shireen Chua - Building your Cultural Intelligence
About the webinar
Diversity and inclusion are becoming business imperatives to remain competitive. With changing workforce demographics as well as a diversified marketplace, the diversity dividend has the potential to create inclusive workplaces, to work in diverse markets, and to encourage creativity and innovation to flourish. The impact of not harnessing and leveraging diversity has also had some significant consequences. Simply employing a diverse team cannot create innovation, creativity and high performance teams; you need to build Cultural Intelligence Cultural intelligence is the capability to function effectively across settings which have cultural, generational, ethnic, and organisational diversity. This is a capability that leaders and managers need to develop to be successful in today’s global economy. This webinar introduces you to how you can build your Cultural Intelligence.
About Shireen Chua
Shireen Chua is the Director of Third Culture Solutions Ltd. She is a Malaysian-Chinese Kiwi who has been educated in New Zealand completing her degree at Massey University (MSc Nut.Sci). She has spent the past 29 years in New Zealand but goes to Asia regularly as her family is now based in Singapore. Her experience of moving between the East and the West led her explore how culture can have an impact in working and personal relationships, and how it shapes our identity. This led her to pursue further study in the area of Cultural Diversity and Intercultural Competence of individuals and organisations. Her MBA from Southern Cross University, Australia included a research project focusing on “Culture Matters: How NZ Organisations develop Intercultural Competency”.
Her previous experience in Project and Research Management has provided an excellent foundation in gaining invaluable experience of managing multicultural teams and identifying factors that shape organisations and institutions ability to develop and grow cultural diversity in their organisations. She has also been on boards of governance and trustees for not-for-profit organisations over the past 15 years.
She is certified Professional Coach, gaining her ACC with the International Coach Federation and is also certified by the Cultural Intelligence Center as a CQ Trainer (Advanced). This allows her to facilitate “Developing Cultural Intelligence workshop” using the Cultural Intelligence (CQ) assessment tool. She also certified to train using the Global DiSC.
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