Request for Proposal for realty services

Request for Proposal for realty services Just before the holiday break, the university went out to market with a Request for Proposal (RFP) for a realty services partner to help us strategically manage our estates portfolio to reduce costs and maximise the value of property across our campuses. Some of you have been in touch with questions about this work, so we wanted to provide you with some information.

Massey is in a difficult financial position, and all areas of the university are being reviewed, including our estates and how we manage them. We are in a fortunate situation in that we own a large majority of the land and property. This is a strong position to be in, compared to other New Zealand universities, but initial investigations suggest we could reduce our physical footprint, while maintaining our current operations.

This could mean:

  • Consolidating teams into existing buildings that are fit-for-purpose, allowing us to release buildings that are surplus to requirements.
  • Selling or leasing buildings or land that are commercially viable and re-leasing them back on better commercial terms.
  • Selling or leasing buildings and land that are currently not being used.
  • Sub-leasing buildings to commercial entities for dual use, which we are already doing in some spaces.

It is important to note that this is only one aspect of our work to reimagine our physical campuses over the coming years, and any sales or leasing of buildings would go through a thorough approval process.

Our three campuses will continue to provide a critical point of connection for staff, students, our communities and iwi partners into the future. We value our people, and our places and this work is an important component of the university’s financial recovery.

Ensuring our campuses are vibrant, fit-for-purpose, sustainable and meet the needs of our people, is a focus for the Senior Leadership Team and Council. We all want to continue delivering the world-class teaching and research that we’re known for, while ensuring we operate in a financially sustainable way.

@Massey stakeholder newsletter
To ensure you’re kept up to date with what’s happening at the university, we would encourage you to sign up to our stakeholder newsletter ‘@Massey’. This is a quarterly newsletter which showcases the big news at the university, including funding, key appointments, research and student profiles. You can view the archives and sign up here.