Executive development MBA
The Massey Executive MBA graduates have direct entry to the Affiliate level of membership at GovernanceNZ, the only global chartered governance organization. With letters behind your name, you signal that you have the skills and competence to be selected as a company director.
The Executive MBA completes with classes every sixth weekend in only 19 months, and then you add a high-end consulting report. Your access to GovernanceNZ is immediate once you have completed four qualification EMBA papers.
Contact us at mba@massey.ac.nz for more information to move up and onto a board!
We have other postgraduate options for you.
In New Zealand where most firms are small with fewer than 25 employees, leaders want generalists to join their team, because everyone there does more than one task.
The fastest way to profile yourself as a generalist manager and leader is to finish an MBA and Massey offers you the most convenient choices to do so:
- Every sixth weekend in Auckland for 19 months + consulting report: Executive MBA
- Fully online with total flexibility when you study: MBA
- One-year full time (three afternoons/evenings per week): MBA
You will feel like being at work rather than at university. Our classes are practical and taught by professors with huge corporate leadership experience. There are no exams!
Join us mid-February 2022 and enjoy free access to the Massey MentalGym until then, to get you ready for classes.
Contact us at mba@massey.ac.nz to learn more about our programmes and support.