Scholar, scientist, and soldier: The interconnected life experiences of Sir Geoffrey Peren
Sir Geoffrey Peren’s significant contribution in getting Massey Agricultural College off the ground is recognised and honoured by the university’s most prominent building bearing his name. His role in breeding a hardy sheep for New Zealand conditions is recognised in the Perendale breed, and for service to agriculture generally with a knighthood. Less well known or recognised is his more than thirty years’ service as a soldier, which included two world wars. Indeed, Sir Geoffrey studied, taught, farmed, and soldiered for three countries – the United Kingdom, Canada, and New Zealand. How these experiences shaped his thoughts and actions at Massey and then later as a senior civil defence official is at the core of this presentation.
Lieutenant Colonel Peter Wood, ONZM, PhD (Massey) is the Director of the NZDF’s New Zealand Wars Study Centre. An infantry soldier and veteran himself, Peter’s primary focus in his current role is on educating members of the NZDF about the New Zealand Wars. His wider research interests include all aspects of New Zealand military history.
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