
Jessica Roderick, Ngāti Maniapoto, Ngāti Rangiwewehi, Te Rarawa, hails from Hamilton and currently resides in Whakatāne. Her journey to Massey University is a tale of determination and embracing growth opportunities.

Initially attracted to Massey for its flexible distance learning options, Jessica seized the opportunity to pursue her academic aspirations while juggling full-time employment. The online platform offered her the flexibility to balance work and studies, eventually leading her to transition to full-time study to immerse herself fully in her educational journey.

Jessica pursued a Bachelor’s degree in Communication with a major in Communication Management, driven by a desire for personal and vocational growth rather than purely career advancement. She was drawn to the programme’s versatility and potential to be applied across various fields, recognising the practicality of the skills acquired in both professional and personal contexts.

Throughout her academic journey, Jessica found unwavering support from her family, hapū, iwi, lecturers, peers, and various support services at Massey University, including the university’s Māori student centre, Te Rau Tauawhi. Her family’s love and encouragement were a constant source of motivation, especially during moments of self-doubt, while the financial assistance provided by her hapū and iwi alleviated some of the burdens associated with pursuing higher education.

Among her academic achievements, Jessica’s proudest moment came during her graduation, where she felt the overwhelming presence of her whānau. Despite not everyone being physically present, their love and support were palpable.

 “I felt their presence with me as I walked across the stage, especially when I heard my sister’s karanga. It was a truly special experience that I will always cherish. ”