
Celebrating 60 years: Foundation Veterinary School alumni reunite

In 1964, 32 young men and women formed the founding class of the fledgling Massey University Veterinary School. Sixty years later Massey University was the gathering point for the reunion of members of this group, bolstered by members of the following year’s intake of students and their respective partners/friends. This was the first en masse return of students from these two classes to their alma mater. While the principal aim of the reunion was to give opportunities for old friendships to be renewed/strengthened, a particular focus of the programme revolved around descriptions of the massive changes occurring in veterinary curricula here and throughout the western world, and the refurbished or recently added Massey facilities that will support these present and anticipated changes. Sincere thanks are given to the Head of School, Professor Jon Huxley, who spoke to the group about the challenges being faced and anticipated in this process, and Professors Wendi Roe and Jenny Weston who, with other members of staff, planned and guided the group around some of the new building developments.

Functions held in old haunts promoted rambles down memory lane. These notably included meals at the Old Refectory, Wharerata’s Russell Room and Caccia Birch, and the opportunity to look over other historic Massey buildings and sites. On the wider Manawatū scene, trips were enjoyed to several recently completed or close-to-completion regional projects. Visits were made to Mercury Energy’s Turitea Wind Farm atop the Tararua Range, the Waka Kotahi Te Ahu a Turanga highway project replacing the defunct Manawatū Gorge roadway, and the Manawatū River walk/cycleway.

Acknowledgements are due to the staff members of the Alumni Office for their willing assistance in organisation of the programme.

Massey tour at the Equine Hospital with host Alaina Tessier, Clinic Manager
Left to right – Alastair Johnstone, Wilma Glassey (in front), John Ross, Alan Bell, Jan Fogg, Joe Mayhew, (person in helmet) Stu Cameron
Workshop of Mercury Energy’s Turitea Wind Farm