This is me: Aaron Yan

Describe your role and what it involves here at Massey
I work under the Student Care team as the Student Wellbeing Advisor for international students. We provide advice and resources to staff members across the University when they identify their students are in need of wellbeing support. We also work with students to coordinate wrap-around support to help them achieve academic success.

What do you enjoy most about your role?
What I enjoy most about my role is I can work with a wide range of staff across the university and get to know a lot of them. With their unique experience and skills, they all inspire me to learn and thrive.

Tell us a bit about your background and how you came to work at Massey.
I completed my Master of Applied Social Work degree at Massey University Auckland campus in 2020. I worked for a community organisation in South Auckland supporting vulnerable children and their families. After one and a half year working there, I decided to make my way back to Massey as a staff member and I am fortunate to earn a position.

What have you achieved that you are very pleased about?
I have found myself building up confidence at work. I feel more comfortable in speaking up and showcasing who I am and what I am capable of.

What are some of the changes you've seen at Massey in your time here?
More processes and structures implemented to guide our work.

What did you love doing when you were a child?
I was a big fan of classic Chinese novels like Romance of the Three Kingdoms (san guo yan yi) and Water Margin (shui hu zhuan).

What was your first job?
Sports journalist at China Central Television. I worked there for nearly six years before I came to New Zealand in 2018.

What are you most proud of?
I’m proud of myself making the decision to leave my old job and home country and come to New Zealand. I changed my career path 180 degrees and managed to find my footing here.

What can we find you doing when you’re not at work?
I’m probably out hunting for good authentic Chinese food with my friends or cooking my own. I also enjoy a good movie or playing my favourite MOBA game on my phone showing my competitiveness.